
What are cookies?

This website uses cookies. A cookie is a small text marker stored on your computer that enables us to track the use of our website. We use cookies to help us understand what our users' interests and preferences are to ensure the website is as user friendly as possible. Learn more about cookies on

How do we use cookies?

This site uses cookies in order to provide a service to visitors. No personal data is stored in these cookies, which are used to:

  • allow you to login

  • check that cookies can be set

  • record and store form data on the web server

  • help us better understand how visitors engage with this website

Managing cookies

Cookies help us to ensure that our website is as good as it can be for our users. Cookies pose little threat to your privacy, but some people may want to turn them off anyway. Please be aware that if you disable all cookies, some elements of our website may not work properly (such as registration and login).

You may be able to configure your browser to restrict cookies or block all cookies if you wish however, if you disable cookies you will find this affects your ability to use this site. For more information about cookies and instructions on how to adjust your browser settings to accept, delete or reject cookies, see the Internet Advertising Bureau website

Cookies we use

We only use essential cookies.

Information about this page

This page was last updated in November 2021. If our use of cookies changes, we will update this page. Regularly reviewing this page ensures you are always aware of what cookies may be set while you browse this website.